PhD: 2008
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

MSc.: 2002
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

BSc. 1998
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
Faculty of Science,
Shahrekord University,
Shahrekord, Iran
P.O.Box: 8815648456
Tel/Fax: (+98) 3832324419)



Molecular Systematics methods
DNA extraction, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Data Analysis.

Floristic informatics

Morphology, Morphological Imgae Processing

Database development / MicrosoftAccess / Sql-Server,

Advanced: VBA, VB.Net, SQL, / Beginner: C-Sharp / .NET Framework programming for desktop applications

MSOffice / Photoshop / NTSYSpc / MEGA / SplitsTree / Cluto / R / Camtasia

Language: English IELTS band 6
Research interest
Floristics and Floristic Informatics
Diversity and Distribution
Digital Herbarium
Taxonomy and Morphology
Genetic Diversity, Molecular markers, Data processing
Molecular Systematics methods

BOOKS (in Persian)

1. Topics in plant growth and development


2022 Mousavi S, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Shahrokhi A
Floristic Diversity in North-Eastern Bakhtiari Province on the Central Zagros Mt Range of Iran
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 20:1-19

2018 Parvizy M, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Jafari A
Plant Species Diversity in Jokhaneh Plain and Southern Slope of the Nil Mt. in Kohgilouyeh va Boyerahmad Province (Central Zagros Region of Iran)
Journal of Genetic Resources 2:67-80

2017 Sharifi-Tehrani M, Advay M.
Assessment of relationships between Iranian Fritillaria (Liliaceae) species using chloroplast trnH-psbA sequences and morphological characters
Journal of Genetic Resources 2:89-100

2017 Veiskarami G, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Plant species diversity in the Central Zagros Region of Iran
Phytologia Balkanica 23:101-118

2017 Namazi F, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Shabani L
Anatomical Study On Fritillaria Species In Iran
Bangladesh J. Bot. 46:93-101

2016 Advay M, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Taxonomic Relationships of Ten Fritillaria Species of Subgenera Fritillaria and Theresia Based on Analysis of Flower Qualitative and Quantitative Morphological Characters
Journal of Genetic Resources 2:11-22

2016 Jalali M, Sharifi-Tehrani M, ShirMardi H
Flora of Jahanbin Mountain Area: A Contribution to Flora of the Central Zagros Region of Iran
Journal of Genetic Resources 2:29-46

2015 Malekpoor F., Pirbalouti AG., Salimi A., Shabani L., Sharifi-Tehrani M.
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and total phenolic content of Tanacetum polycephalum Schutz.Bip
Indian journal of traditional knowledge 14:370-375

2015 Mirza-Hosseini Z, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Sabzalian M
ABC transporter and metallothionein expression affected by NI and Epichloe endophyte infection in tall fescue
Ecotoxicology and Enviromental safety 120:13-19

2014 Raeisi-Chehrazi S, Saeidi H, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Phenetic relationships among Lolium s.l. (Poaceae) in Iran based on flavonoids spot profiles and quantitative morphology
Taxonomy and Biosystematics 21:97-110

2014 Diaz-Perez A, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Inda L, Catalan
Polyphyly, gene-duplication and extensive allopolyploidy framed the evolution of the ephemeral Vulpia grasses and other fine-leaved Loliinae (Poaceae)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79:92-105

2014 Jalalpour Z, Shabani L, Afghani-Khoraskani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Amini
Stimulatory effect of methyl jasmonate and squalestatin on phenolic metabolism through induction of LOX activity in cell suspension culture of yew
Turkish Journal of Biology 38:76-82

2014 Mirza-Hosseini Z, Shabani L, Sabzalian MR, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Effect of Neotyphodium endophyte symbiosis on growth, Nickel uptake and photosynthetic pigments in two genotypes of tall fescue
Journal of Plant Process and Function 6:37-50

2014 Amini A, Shabani L, Afghani-Khoraskani L, Jalalpour Z, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Squalestatin-induced production of taxol and baccatin in cell suspension culture of yew (Taxus baccata L.)
Turkish Journal of Biology 38:528-536

2014 Mirza-Hosseini Z, Shabani L, Sabzalian MR , Sharifi-Tehrani M
Neotyphodium endophytes may increase tolerance to Ni in tall fescue
European Journal of Soil Biology 63:33-40

2014 Sharifi-Tehrani M
Introduction of the new Program ‘CheckName’ with applications in integration, and increased precision and certitude of floristic inventories
Taxonomy and Biosystematics 20:111-122

2014 Rafiei-Damneh M, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Induction of antioxidant defensive mechanism in tall fescue inoculated with Glomus intraradices fungus under Nickel stress
Journal of Plant Process and Function 8:35-46

2013 Sharifi-Tehrani M, Rahiminejad-Ranjbar MR
Compilation of floristic and herbarium specimens data in Iran: proposal to data structure
Taxonomy and Biosystematics 15:75-94

2013 Orouji Y, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M
Induction of glycyrrhizin and total phenolic compound production in licorice by using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Russ. J. Plant Physiology 60:1-6

2013 Orouji Y, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Enteshari
Dual effects of two mycorrhizal fungi on production of glycyrrhizin, total phenolic and total flavonoids compounds in roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra L
Journal of Plant Biology 17:75-88

2012 Sharifi-Tehrani M, Kazemi A, Shabani L
Phenetic relationships among natural population accessions of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Fabaceae) in central Zagros region of Iran, based on quantitative morphology, flavonoids, and glycyrrhizin contents data
Taxonomy and Biosystematics 13:59-72

2011 Sharifi-Tehrani M, Ghasemi-Dehkordi N
Matricaria L. (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) in Iran: a chemotaxonomic study based on flavonoids
Taxonomy and Biosystematics 8:25-34

2009 Sharifi-Tehrani M, Mardi M, Sahebi J, Catalan P, Diaz-Perez A
Genetic diversity and structure among Iranian tall fescue populations based on genomic-SSR and EST-SSR marker analysis
Plant Systematics and Evolution 282:57-70

Research fields
My research areas include studying diversity at the level of species and populations.
At the species level, I study the distribution of plant taxa across the Flora Iranica, and the Arabian peninsula.

I have developed a floristic database of local flora in Iran and adjacent areas in neighbouring countries.
The database is equipped with tools to parse raw floristic lists, proof them, corrent names, construct datasets and save species occurrence data in them, and to make designable and programmable reports, make ad-hoc errorless floristic lists and arrange then into hierarchy according APG4, and perform a bunch of different analyses on floristic data.

The most benefitial of this ongoing database upon completion is to perform various clustering, ordination and data visualisation technics using the accurate floristic data, and also to join similar databases to enlarge the scope of findings.

At the population level, I study the genetic diversity using molecular markers, and also flavonoid classes and spots profiles.

I have used SSRs, EST-SSRs, and ISSRs, and TLC chromatography to investigate variations at population level, in different generic and specifc levels.

Specifically I have studied the variation in different species of genera Fritillaria, Brachypodium, Lolium, and Festuca in Iran.

I use digital processing of morphological and anatomical images of flowering and vegetative parts of the plant species, to address varioation at the inter and intra population levels.

My current project is the development of floristic database of Iran.
In this project, I use VB.Net and C# programming languages, and SQLServer and MSAccess databasing technics to develop the most ever comprehensive floristic database for the area.

Refer to my persoal webpage for more information.

My other projects (during programming for the floristic database) have been:

eLib (digital personal library for researchers)

NexTerm (educational planning for faculty and departments)

StructurEasy (help with preparing for genetic structure of populations)

IRIS (conference info management)

Paperless educational planning
NexTerm is a windows desktop application, developed for the Faculty of Science, University of Shahrekord

Desktop Application
Next Semester educational planning

Alamut is a floristic database for local floras in Iran.

Alamut is an ongoing project of floristic database for local floras in Iran.
Edition A: Access Database
Edition B: Windoes Desktop Application + Sql-Server
CheckName app is developed for Alamut floristic database, to check and correct raw floristic lists (inventories) so that they are free from typos and ready for entering into a dataset in the database.
Precision and certitude of plant scientific names in floristic inventories are requisites for their validity and applicability in software systems to reach a higher level in floristics knowledge. This paper introduces and makes available an open source software entitled “CheckName”. CheckName software comprises a list of scientific names for plants of Iran, which is obtained via integration and correction of published floristic lists in Iran. The list is held in the checname software and helps to integrate unpublished floristic inventories or for making new floristic lists. In making new floristic lists, scientific names are chosen from a list and the addition of authorities and protologue, or reporting the sorted lists would be performed by the software. In correcting an inventory of plant names, the program will correct the list for typing issues and parses each line of the list into genus and species and checks for correctness of their spelling. If a scientific name is not verified, the correct spelling might be suggested. Other applications of this software includes the online connection to IPNI, TROPICOS, NCBI, PubMed databases to receive relevant information for each name.
ListMaker helps making a list of plant names free of typos,
Just by selecting names from APG groups.
Alamut Floristic Database collects information on the presence of plant species in different parts of Iran, and along with floristic data storage/retrieval, it has software to use the data. With the growth of data stored in the Alamut floristic database and the creation of new sectors, such as the climatic data segment, access to problem-based data has become important. Effective access to data is performed by SQL codes, which is often difficult for regular users. This paper introduces three new tools for the Alamut database. APL (Alamut Programmed Lists) compiler, the Command Line, both for extracting data as programmed lists, along with the List Maker Program, which is used for creating new species inventories without spelling errors and for automatically sorting the inventory according to APG IV classification. This paper also includes some example programs written by using APL.
Alamut Floristic Database collects information on the presence of plant species in different parts of Iran, and along with floristic data storage/retrieval, it has software to use the data. With the growth of data stored in the Alamut floristic database and the creation of new sectors, such as the climatic data segment, access to problem-based data has become important. Effective access to data is performed by SQL codes, which is often difficult for regular users. This paper introduces three new tools for the Alamut database. APL (Alamut Programmed Lists) compiler, the Command Line, both for extracting data as programmed lists, along with the List Maker Program, which is used for creating new species inventories without spelling errors and for automatically sorting the inventory according to APG IV classification. This paper also includes some example programs written by using APL.
APL is part of the Alamut floristic database.
Alamut Programmed Lists, to extract data from different sources in alamut database
Filter the records
Sort extracted data into an unformatted text report.
Helps in preparation of input fils and extraction of results, for downstream softs.
For population genetic structure analysis using STRUCTURE and CLUMPP and Distruct

Analysis of population genetic structure using multilocus data, is generally performed by sequential run of the three computer programs, namely STRUCTURE, CLUMPP, and Distruct. The two latter programs lack Graphical User Interface (GUI), and the user must manually create inputs and settings files, using text editors out of the program environment. A number of facilitating programs have been developed, which are online, or dependent on statistical packages such as R. In this paper, after reviewing the aims and methods for analyzing the structure of populations using dominant molecular marker data, a new computer program, STRUCTUREasy is introduced. This program simplifies the analysis procedures, with no need for programing skills. STRUCTUREasy is an open source program with a simple user interface, running in Microsoft Office. Its application is for the extraction of Q-matrices of STRUCTURE and connecting the input files to downstream software, for providing ease of use, and more accuracy and pace, in population structure analysis using multilocus markers. This program runs in Microsoft Access 2016, and performs well in extracting data and settings between STRUCTURE, CLUMPP and Distruct software, for accuracy and pace.
Windows Desktop App
helps organize your files by making a library.
eLib ( local - remote server )
eLib is a free software.
eLib (a windows 10 64bit desktop application) helps you to make your own digital library.
Organize your files (pdfs, docs, etc)
Link them to your different works.
Access your assets (lib resources) easily.
IRIS was designed in 1998 for windows 3.1 to be used in 7th Iranian National Conference of Biology.
Integrated Registration Implementations
IRIS is a software for registeration and management of information in conferences


about Majid Sharifi-Tehrani:

Majid started learning computer science in 1991 with a C64 system, and programming with Basic V2 language.

He has a science based diploma and entered the Plant Science program, although he was accepted to Azad-University of Isfahan for Software and Hardware engineering.

Majid started to learn GW-Basic, and QuickBasic languages, using a 386 based PC, in 1994.

His first scientific programming experience was modifying and improving a Vegetation-Ecology program which was on a diskette with a book, which his professor (Dr. Ahmad Aryavand) introduced to Majid and asked him to improve it.

He started programming with VisualBasic 3.0 on Windows 3.1 in 1997, and wrote the first ever windows based software for conference management (IRIS software) at the Isfahan University in 1998.
It was a novel software (according to IROST) and received a certification.
IRIS was used in 7 different national and international conferences and congresses and symposia during 2 years, and received certifications.

Majid started with database software programming in 2009, and wrote the first software (SKUBioDigiArchive, based on MSAccess) for department management, when he was the manager of the Biological Department at the Shahrekord University.

Based on the requests from faculty Deans, Majid wrote the database of chemicals in different labs in the faculty of science, anda simple accounting system for the faculty orders, and maintained the website of the faculty for some years.

Majid continued with database programming by developing the first national floristic database in a project named iHerbs (later renamed to Alamut).
This database holds and analyses hundreds of thousands records of species occurrence data collected during the past 30 years, and extends into neighbouring counties.

Majid started to learn VB.Net and C# and SQLServer systems in 2021, to develop his recent softwares that are desktop apps: eLib (electronic library), NexTerm (for educational planning), Alamut ver2 (using server based DB).

Majid plans to learn .Net Core in the next year, to start developing multi platform apps.

Majid Sharifi-Tehrani has a PhD in Plant Systematics from Isfahan University (2008).

Dr. Majid Sharifi Tehrani
Systematic Botany, PhD
Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: (+98) 9133112733



Contact for more info about my apps


Majid Sharifi-Tehrani

Systematic Botany


Faculty of Sciences, Shahrekord University

Send email to Dr. Majid Sharifi
Majid Sharifi-Tehrani       PhD, Plant Systematics