Department of Biology, Faculty of Science
Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
P.O.Box: 8815648456
Tel/Fax: (+98) 3832324419)

PhD: 2004-2008
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Isfahan University, Iran.
Title of PhD Thesis: Effects of salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate on the production of glycyrrhizin and the expression of SQS and bAS genes in root cultures of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.).

MSc.: 2002-2004
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Shahid-Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Title of MSc Thesis: Effect of colchicin on Parthenolide content and antioxidant activity in tissue culture of (Tanacetum parthenium L.)

BSc.: 1998 –2002
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
Research interest
Biochemical and Biotechnological
Molecular biology lab technics (Plant DNA, RNA, Enzymes, Proteins and Hormones).
Electrophoresis and blotting of DNA and protein.
PCR and Real Time-PCR,
HPLC, plant tissue culture technics and antioxidant enzymes activity.

Desktop softwares (MSOffice and Photoshop)

Statistical (SAS, SPSS)

Molecular lab (MEGA, GENEIOUS, Becon designer, Flexarray)

Databases (Genebank: BLAST, MirBase, etc). MeV software.
Books (in Persian)

1. Biochemistry of plant secondary metabolism

2. Topics in plant growth and development

3. Mechanism of action of plant hormones
S Hosseini, L Shabani, MR Sabzalian, S Gharibi. (2023). Efficacy of foliar spray of two biostimulants in phytoremediation and overcoming salinity stress in halophytic grass, Puccinellia distans. International journal of phytoremediation 25 (4), 415-429.

Masoomeh Rafeie, Leila Shabania, Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2022). Pretreatment with LEDs regulates antioxidant capacity and polyphenolic profile to improve growth and alleviate salinity stress in basil. Protoplasma. 259(6):1567-1583. doi: 10.1007/s00709-022-01746-1.

S Hatamipoor, L Shabani, S Farhadian. (2022). Supportive effect of naringenin on NaCl-induced toxicity in Carthamus tinctorius seedlings. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 1-11.

S Mansourzadeh, F Esmaeili, L Shabani, S Gharibi. (2022). Trans-differentiation of mouse mesenchymal stem cells into pancreatic β-like cells by a traditional anti-diabetic medicinal herb Medicago sativa L. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 12 (5), 466-476

Tayebeh Ahmadi, Leila Shabania, Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2021) LED light sources improved the essential oil components and antioxidant activity of two genotypes of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.). Botanical Studies. 62:9

Fatemeh Raeisi Vanani, Leila Shabani, Mohammad R. Sabzalian, Fariba Dehghanian, Lisa Winner (2020) Comparative physiological and proteomic analysis indicates lower shock response to drought stress conditions in a self-pollinating perennial ryegrass. PLOS ONE 15(6): e0234317. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0234317

Zahra Mirzahosseini, Leila Shabani and Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2020) LED lights increase an antioxidant capacity of Arabidopsis thaliana under wound-induced stresses. Functional Plant Biology. https://doi.org/10.1071/FP19343.

Tayebeh Ahmadi & Leila Shabani & Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2020) LED light mediates phenolic accumulation and enhances antioxidant activity in Melissa officinalis L. under drought stress condition. Protoplasma. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-020-01501-4.

Zahra Mirzahosseini, Leila Shabani, Mohammad R. Sabzalian, Selvadurai Dayanandan (2020) Comparative physiological and proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed differential wound stress responses following the exposure to different LED light sources. Environmental and Experimental Botany 169: 103895.

M. Ebrahiminia, F. Esmaeili, L. Shabani (2020) In vitro differentiation induction of embryonal carcinoma stem cells into insulin-producing cells by Cichorium intybus L. leaf extract. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 246: 112214.

Tayebeh Ahmadi, Leila Shabania, Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2019) Improvement in drought tolerance of lemon balm, Melissa officinalis L. under the pre-treatment of LED lighting. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 139: 548–557.

Ghazaleh Fooladi vanda, Leila Shabani and Roya Razavizadeh (2019) Chitosan enhances rosmarinic acid production in shoot cultures of Melissa officinalis L. through the induction of methyl jasmonate. Botanical Studies (2019) 60:26. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40529-019-0274-x.

MOUSAVI S.-M. and L. SHABANI (2019) Rosmarinic acid accumulation in Melissa officinalis shoot cultures is mediated by ABA. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 63: 418-424.

Mokhtari F, Rafiei F, Shabani L, Shiran B (2017) Differential expression pattern of transcription factors across annual Medicago genotypes in response to salinity stress. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 61:227-234

Ghanadi, Shabani L, Yekdaneh (2016) Cytotoxic, antioxidant and phytochemical analysis of Gracilaria species from the Persian Gulf Advanced Biomedical Research 21:37-41

Mehrfarjam, Esmaeili, Shabani L, Ebrahimi (2016) Induction of pancreatic b cell gene expression in mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Biology International 40:486-500

Torabi Z, Rafiei F, Shabani L, Danesh Shahraki A (2015) Physiological and Molecular Response of Annual Medicago Species to Juglone Acta Physiologia Plantarum 37:248-253

Shabani L, Sabzalian M, Mostafavipour (2015) Arbuscular mycorrhizae affect Ni traslocation and expression of ABC transporter and metallothionein genes in Festuca arundinacea Mycorrhiza 12:2-12

Mirza-Hosseini Z, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Sabzalian M (2015) ABC transporter and metallothionein expression affected by NI and Epichloe endophyte infection in tall fescue Ecotoxicology and Enviromental safety 120:13-19

Salimi, Ghasemi, Malekpour, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Hamedi (2015) Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and total phenolic content of Tanacetum polycephalum Schutz.Bip Indian journal of traditional knowledge 14:370-375

Mansouri, Nejatpour, Esmaeili, Shabani L, Ebrahimi (2014) Differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma stem cells into insulin-producing cells promoted by pancreas conditioned medium Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 9:1-13

Marzieh E, Esmaeili, Cheraghi, Hoshmand, Shabani L, Ebrahimi (2014) Efficient and Simple Production of Insulin-Producing Cells from Embryonal Carcinoma Stem Cells Using Mouse Neonate Pancreas Extract, As a Natural Inducer Plos one 9:1-12

Jalalpour Z, Shabani L, Afghani-Khoraskani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Amini (2014) Stimulatory effect of methyl jasmonate and squalestatin on phenolic metabolism through induction of LOX activity in cell suspension culture of yew Turkish Journal of Biology 38:76-82

Mirza-Hosseini Z, Shabani L, Sabzalian M, Sharifi-Tehrani M (2014) Neotyphodium endophytes may increase tolerance to Ni in tall fescue European Journal of Soil Biology 63:33-40

Amini A, Shabani L, Afghani-Khoraskani L, Jalalpour Z, Sharifi-Tehrani M (2014) Squalestatin-induced production of taxol and baccatin in cell suspension culture of yew (Taxus baccata L.) Turkish Journal of Biology 38:528-536

Orouji Y, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M (2013) Induction of glycyrrhizin and total phenolic compound production in licorice by using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Russ. J. Plant Physiology 60:1-6

Shabani L (2009) Glycyrrhizin Production by In Vitro Cultured Glycyrrhiza glabra Elicited by Methyl Jasmonate and Salicylic Acid Russian Journal of Plant Physiology.

Shabani L, Ehsanpour A (2010) Assessment of Squalene Synthase and Beta_Amyrin Synthase Gene Expression in Licorice Roots Treated with Methyl Jasmonate and Salicylic Acid Using RealTime qPCR Russian Journal of Plant Physiology.

Zahra Mirzahosseini, Leila Shabani, Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2020) A comparison of two different LED exposure times in wound stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Process and Function, Vol. 9, No. 36.

Sayyedeh Razieh Nourbakhsh Rezaei, Leila Shabani, Majid Rostami and Mohammad Abdoli (2019) The Effect of Different Concentrations of Cadmium Chloride on Oxidative Stress in Shoot Cultures of Lemon Balm. Plant Productions, 42(4) 509-522.

Behnoush Saghirzadeh Darki, Leila Shabani, Reyhaneh Pourvaez and Seyed Mostafa Ghannadian (2019) Effects of CuSO4 and AgNO3 on artemisinin and phenolic compound in shoot cultures of Artemisia annua L. Journal of Plant Process and Function, Vol. 8, No. 31.

Tayebeh Ahmadi, Leila Shabania, Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2017) Effects of LED light spectrum on growth and rosmarinic acid content in Melissa officinalis L. Journal of Plant Process and Function 6 (21) :213-222. URL: http://jispp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-529-fa.html.

Farzane Tarkesh, Leila shabani, Mohammad R. Sabzalian (2019) Survey of antioxidant defensive responses in three genotypes of Lolium pernne under drought stress. Applied Biology. Vol. 1, No. 32.

Seyedeh Mosoumeh Mousavi, Leila Shabani, Neda Mirakhorli (2019) Effect of ABA on oxidative stress in Melissa officinalis shoot cultures. Iranian Journal of Plant Biology, Vol. 11, No. 3.

Mirza-Hosseini Z, Shabani L,Sabzalian , Sharifi-Tehrani M (2014) Effect of Neotyphodium endophyte symbiosis on growth, Nickel uptake and photosynthetic pigments in two genotypes of tall fescue Journal of Plant Process and Function 6:37-50

Rafiei-Damneh M, Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M (2014) Induction of antioxidant defensive mechanism in tall fescue inoculated with Glomus intraradices fungus under Nickel stress Journal of Plant Process and Function 8:35-46

Orouji , Shabani L, Sharifi-Tehrani M, Enteshari, Aghababaei (2013) Dual effects of two mycorrhizal fungi on production of glycyrrhizin, total phenolic and total flavonoids compounds in roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Journal of Plant Biology 17:75-88

Shabani L, Amoaghaee R, Marefat (2012) Interaction effect of cadmium and salicylic acid on proline and antioxidant enzyme activity in soybean Malaysian Applied Biology 2:855-860

Sharifi-Tehrani M, Kazemi A, Shabani L (2012) Phenetic relationships among natural population accessions of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Fabaceae) in central Zagros region of Iran, based on quantitative morphology, flavonoids, and glycyrrhizin contents data Taxonomy and Biosystematics 13:59-72

Namazi, F, Sharifi-Tehrani, M, Shabani, L. ANATOMICAL STUDY ON FRITILLARIA SPECIES IN IRAN. Bangladesh J. Bot. 2017, 46: 93-101.

Leila Shabani    PhD, Plant Physiology / Biotechnology