electronic library

(Desktop Application for Windows 10 x64)

Majid Sharifi-Tehrani, Systematic Botany, PhD
Read more about eLib and see screenShots of the app.
eLib (Electronic Library) is a desktop application for Windows 10. eLib helps organize articles, booklets, books, etc. on your PC.
This program is mainly for faculty academic staff, PhD students and researchers.
Too many files on cluttered desktops, make it difficult to find them.
The eLib software collects library files (docs, pdfs, ...) in a single folder (as a depo) so that you can assign each file to several different tasks and projects (lectures, projects, reading texts, etc.) using the software. You can organize lib files into more subfolders, but it is not a necessary task.
In this method, there is no need to copy each file repeatedly, to assign it to different works.
The main goal for eLib development is to focus you on your main work, not to find the required files from some scattered folders.

eLib is developed in two versions using two different technologies.

1. Using Microsoft Access accdb databaseformat and VBA codes. This version supports a depo and a user per PC.
2. Using Sql-server database and vb.net codes. This version supports some depos each with more than one user. Each user defines to same depo as other users of that depo, but defines its own projects and leave its own notes for different works.

electronic library
To run eLib (electronic library) on your PC:

1. Download and install SqlServer Express edition from Microsoft website
2. Download and install dotNet 7 from Microsoft website
3. Download and install eLib from (www.msht.ir), activate via email if required
How does eLib work?

eLib uses a folder (by default, D:\elib) and four sub-folders (usually in it) as the file depositories.

Depositories are locations in your pc that you save pdfs and other document related to your library.

The four sub-folders in are (by default):





To use eLib, you should have installed SQLServer Express on your pc.

If not, you can still use eLib app through connecting to a server.

I recommend installing free SQLServer-Express from Microsoft website and enjoy eLib in offline mode.

eLib app lists the files (pdfs, docs, ...) in the four sub-folders in the depository (D:\eLib), so eLib app knows what files have been saved there.


eLib is free to download and use.

There have also been a number of workshops for eLib introduction and how to use it.

Please let me know if you want eLib be introduced to your department's students of staff.


Address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Shahrekord
Dr. Majid Sharifi-Tehrani PhD lant Systematics

Send email