Windows 3.1 application for registeration and reception and management of conferences
(Department of Biology, Isfahan University, 1998)

نرم افزار ثبت نام و پذيرش کنفرانس - دانشگاه اصفهان گروه زيست شناسي 1377

About IRIS

IRIS (Integrated Registration InstrumentS) developed in summer 1998 in Department of Biology, at the University of Isfahan.

Prof. Akbar Vahdati head of 7th National Conference of Biology ordered the first software ever created for managment of the information in the conference.

Majid Sharifi-Tehrani undergraduate student of plant science in departmentof biology, developed the software.

IRIS is developed by using VisualBasic ver 3.0 in Windows 3.1, in 10 weeks.

IRIS is certified by IROST for being innovative. 

This computer software is served to following conferences:

7th National Iranian Conference of Biology, University of Isfahan

421st International Congress of Geology, University of Isfahan

6th Iranian Conference of Computer, University of Isfahan

8th National Iranian Conference of Biology, Razi University, Kermanshah

3rd Congress of Steel, Isfahan Technical University

Symposium of Sheikh-Bahaei

1st Symposium of Biotechnology by Iranian Students, University of Isfahan

نرم افزار آيريس در سال 1377 در گروه زيست شناسي دانشگاه اصفهان با حمايت آقاي دکتر اکبر وحدتي و همکاري اعضاي گروه، توسط مجيد شريفي تهراني (دانشجوي ترم آخر دوره کارشناسي زيست شناسي) براي استفاده در هفتمين کنفرانس سراسري زيست شناسي ايران در طول دو ماه و نيم کار فشرده طراحي و ساخته و بکارگرفته شد

اين نرم افزار اولين نرم افزار ثبت نام و پذيرش کنفرانس در نوع خود بود و گواهي سازمان پژوهش هاي علمي صنعتي ايران را براي جديد بودن ايده و دعوت نامه اي براي همکاري جهت گسترش و ارتقاي آن را دريافت کرد

نرم افزار آيريس در طول دو سال بعد در برگزاري کنفرانس هاي زير مورد استفاده قرار گرفت و قابليت هاي نرم افزاري آن به تدريج توسط مولف نرم افزار ارتقا يافت

 چهارصد و بيست و يکمين کنگره بين المللي زمين شناسي، دانشگاه اصفهان

ششمين کنفرانس کامپيوتر ايران، دانشگاه اصفهان

هشتمين کنفرانس زيست شناسي ايران، دانشگاه رازي کرمانشاه

سومين کنگره فولاد، دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان

جشنواره شيخ بهايي، دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان

اولين همايش بيوتکنولوژي دانشجويان سراسر ايران، دانشگاه اصفهان

IRIS ver 3 for Window 3.1
In fact, our desktops are sometimes, something like this.
New Conference
Create new conference.

Enter base information for the new conference.
Register newattendees.
Take each paper: a date, a time, and a place of presentation

Use these data for conference program.

Attendees are greeted and their hadbag is delivered and their attendance is marked.

User can see and check if the payment and documents are already submitted to conference.
Slide show

User selects from the papers,and then the titles will be shown as slides on the display.
IRIS Lists

Documents, Lists, Reports and more...
IRIS Forms Programming language

This scripting language lets user to design customized forms.

Data are extracted and arranged into a form (report actually) acoording to the codes you write using IFPL


IRIS was developed for windows 3.1 Farsi. It could still run in virtual machins. Codes of this software are available.


Majid Shahrifi-Tehrani, PhD
Systematic Botany
Faculty of Sciences, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

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